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We Drive Sustainability and Energy Efficiency in the North-Northeast of Brazil.

We offer strategic solutions that boost the energy sector in the North-Northeast of Brazil with innovation and responsibility. Discover how our initiatives can enhance your sustainable growth.

Strategic Intelligence Dashboard

We Transform Energy Strategies into Sustainable Results.

The Center for Strategies in Natural Resources and Energy (CERNE) is the most important think tank for strategic business in the North-Northeast of Brazil, with multisectoral action in favor of socioeconomic development and the sustainable exploration of natural and energy resources in this Brazilian region, especially the South American Equatorial Margin and its adjacent and interior areas.

Connecting Forces for a Sustainable Energy Future.

Promote the articulation and integration of different institutional, academic, scientific, business and governmental bodies related to the responsible socio-economic exploration, preservation, planning and development of natural resources and energy sources in the Brazilian and South American Equatorial Margin, and its adjacent areas of influence, with a view to secure optimum and efficient and, above all, sustainable activities and resources, their good use in the present and for the benefit of future generations.

Strategies That Turn Potential into Reality.

CERNE works by integrating the capabilities and resources of supporting companies with those of its own team to formulate guidelines, projects and sectoral strategies that contribute to local government management and to the creation of an environment favorable to investment, work and quality of life in the regions of action.
We work daily to monitor (information) and support (intelligence) activities related to the production and commercial chain of natural resources (water, minerals, soil and climate) and energy (oil, natural gas, biofuels and renewable sources) and multisectoral structural projects (infrastructure, logistics, etc.) of strategic importance for the sustainable consolidation of these activities, as well as the attraction and participation of national and international organizations and investors.

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Years of Operation

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Sustainers and Supporters

Proactivity, Efficiency, Transparency and Multidisciplinarity.


Support for the development of all forms of renewable energy sources.


Assistance in facing the challenges of a rational and fair energy transition.


Enhancement of the sustainable exploration and use of water and mineral resources.


Consolidation of responsible consumption, circular economy and socio-environmental protection.


Development of technological innovation, local suppliers and professional training.

Join us and maximize your sustainable impact.

Becoming a member of CERNE means being part of an exclusive network of leaders and innovators in the natural and energy resources sector. With us, you’ll have the opportunity to collaborate on high-impact projects that shape the sustainable future of the Equatorial Margin and its adjacent regions.

Sponsors who are our driving force.

CERNE is regularly supported by national and international industry and business entities, either directly or through their regional subsidiaries. CERNE’s sustaining members include both entrepreneurs—entities or companies that operate directly or indirectly in the economic sectors covered by CERNE—and suppliers, who provide services and offer technical and specialized expertise to operators.

Allies who contribute to our future.

CERNE collaborates with various industry entities as a strategic partner, providing essential local support in the regions where we operate. Additionally, we conduct research, studies, and offer technical consulting to optimize the sustainable use of natural and energy resources. Together, we turn challenges into opportunities for a more sustainable future.

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